Whether you want to write or update a Will, contest a Will or deal with the affairs of a loved one who has passed away, our expert lawyers can offer all of the legal support that you need. The law around Wills and Estates can seem complicated but we’ll make it as simple as possible and communicate in plain English. We’ll give you clear information about the costs going forwards, so that you know exactly how much you’ll pay. We can also help you minimize the amount of inheritance tax your estate has to pay and make sure you can leave as much as possible to your loved ones.
We can also help you make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) if you’re worried about managing your finances or making decisions in later life. Our disputes solicitors could also help you challenge an existing LPA. Working with us means you’ll get clear, cost-effective advice from our specialists. If a loved one has died, we’ll work sensitively and efficiently to minimize the stress you experience at this difficult time.