We know from experience the impact that allegations of criminal conduct can have on a business. In that moment you need the very best advice and you need a team dedicated to protecting and defending your interests. The risks are particularly increased today when responsible companies can be criminally liable as a result of the actions of business partners and their supply chain.
Our team conducts internal investigations for clients who suspect that something has gone wrong within the business. We advise and support clients facing investigation by the police and specialist regulators.
Our team is made up of lawyers who regularly appear in the criminal courts. This means that we know how to provide the best representation in court. It also means that we can provide preventative advice on the practical steps – such as cultural changes, due diligence measures, new policies and procedures – that will reduce the risk of investigation and prosecution in the first instance. We know how to work as part of a team across the borad to provide clients with the full range of support and expertise they need. We understand that reputations are built over the life of a business. When we advise clients facing criminal investigation or prosecution our focus is to protect hard won reputations.
Our team advises companies, financial institutions and individuals facing allegations of wrongdoing in relation to:-